Our Beliefs

Our name Wheaton Christian Reformed Church contains both a mark of our location (Wheaton, IL) and a description of our beliefs. We are Christian in that we acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the one who saves us from our sins and thus rules and reigns over our lives.

We are Reformed in the fact that we follow the teachings of the Protestant reformers of 400 years ago. In particular, those reformers emphasized the biblical doctrines of the authority of the Bible and salvation by grace alone through faith. To be Reformed is to follow the insights of those reformers, in particular John Calvin, while also holding to the commitment to always be reforming as we better understand God’s Word and God’s ways.

Finally, we are part of the Church, universal and particular. The universal church is the body of true believers gathered by the Holy Spirit, the beliefs of which can be found in the Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian creeds. Our particular segment of the church includes not only those gathered here in Wheaton but also in churches across the U.S. and Canada under the banner of our denomination, the Christian Reformed Church in North America. To find out more about our denomination, please visit the website, crcna.org, where you can also read from a comprehensive teaching of our tradition, the Heidelberg Catechism, as well as a Contemporary Testimony of the Christian Reformed Church. If you have any further questions about our beliefs, please contact us directly and we’d be happy to answer them.